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California community colleges: Are you prepared for the new audit procedures related to data management? If you haven’t yet started, here’s a checklist to help you avoid findings in your upcoming audit:


For the Base Allocation Metric of FTES

  • Develop desk procedures that document data flow and steps taken to complete attendance accounting tasks relative to MIS and CCFS-320 reporting.
  • Establish a schedule to complete procedures for attendance accounting.
  • Make sure procedures are reviewed regularly and updated as needed.

For the Supplemental Allocation Metrics

  • Develop desk procedures that document the data flow and steps taken to complete reporting of financial aid data for MIS reporting.
  • Identify data stewards responsible for pre- and post-MIS submission reviews.

For the Student Success Allocation

  • Establish the expectation for shared ownership of data management responsibilities at the executive level and communicate this expectation to all colleges and departments.
  • Develop a matrix of roles and responsibilities for MIS tasks, including the designation of staff members who are trained to complete MIS responsibilities as backup.
  • Provide appropriate training and professional development opportunities to those involved with reporting data, including training on reviewing data for accuracy.
  • Use the Chancellor’s Office Metric Definitions to build staff understanding of what data goes into each report.
  • Perform ongoing monitoring of data quality.
  • Schedule and conduct a post submission review and document changes to improve the next submission.

What Will the Auditor Ask For?

Auditors will review documented procedures and perform inquiry with applicable staff.